About the author

Vesela Flamburari was born on January 17, 1967 in Dobrich, Bulgaria, in the family of Mimi and Nikola Bogdanovi; married to Dr. Vasileios Flampuraris; member of the Bulgarian Writers Union; has dark brown eyes; she is chubby (until further notice), tolerably distracted, terrifyingly slow, but accurate and true.

Vesela is born in the family of a school teacher and a sculptor. Shehas two master's degress - one in "Acting Mastery for Puppet Theater" at NATFIZ (National Academy for theatre and film arts), and one in "Cultural Studies" at Sofia University "Saint Kliment Ohridski".

She is a member of the Bulgarian Writers Union and Flamburari is a laureate of numerous Bulgarian and international prizes for children's literature. Up until 2024 Vesela Flamburari has 20 published books in the genre young adult and fantasy for children.

Several TV series on the National Bulgarian Television and radioplays on the National Bulgarian Radio station have been produced based on Vesela Flamburari's stories.


Flamburari participated in the initiative of BNT, for Bulgaria's favorite children's book - "Little-big reading" (under license from BBC "The Big Writing") - and reached sixty-fifth (65) place, among authors and books for children from all over the world and from all time.

Vesela Flamburari was the chairman of the jury for the "Petya Karakoleva" National Prize for Children's Literature, as well as for the "Stefan Gechev" International Children's and Youth Literary Competition, organized by the National Agency for Bulgarians Abroad.

In several consecutive years, Vesela Flamburari was a member of the jury for the presentation of the National Awards for Contribution to the Children's Book Publishing House "Konstantin Konstantinov". Flamburari was a member of the jury of the National Children's and Youth Competition "Longing for Growing Creativity", organized by the "Human Library" Foundation. 

After all the above, it should be added that the author likes to laugh, sings to herself and believes that the sun shines for everyone.

Specifics of her works

aesthetic views of the author and characteristics of her poetics

Edification and instruction, which may be acceptable ingredients in a textbook or a book for adults, have no place in a children's literature book. A literary book for children should beautifully summarize the world, using the most understandable language for the child - the language of symbols and play. Good children's fiction and nonfiction should have bold hypothetical or nonsensical worlds, impressive unusual characters, plot filled with action, plot twists, poetic pictorial language... everything that can appear when the imagination and talent of a good writer runs wild.

Vesela Flamburari
Public activity
  • Several of her fantastic books have been published in Braille.

    as a donation for the blind children of Bulgaria and continue to be distributed in this important community.

  • Vesela Flamburari has made dozens of donations

    of hundreds of books to libraries, children's homes, community centers, schools, foundations, etc.

  • Flamburari is a voluntary "Ambassador of Books"

    in the nationwide initiatives intended for children: "The Great Summer Reading", organized by the Bulgarian children's portal "I, the child", under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bulgaria; and "Read with me", a campaign of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria, the websites "I Read" and "Children's Books", under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Since 2000 Vesela Flamburari has been actively meeting with reading children

    in cities and villages such as: Sofia, Varna, Plovdiv, Sliven, Dobrich, Asenovgrad, Tutrakan, Chavdar, Zlatitsa, Yambol, Kardjali, Pazardjik, Vidin, etc. (Bulgaria), Athens, Patras (Greece), Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Dimitrovgrad (Tsaribrod, Serbia), Stockholm, Uppsala (Sweden) and others.

    The meetings always go as a text performance: Vesela uses her professional knowledge in acting and puppetry and presents her books with the artistic ways of the puppet theater.

which is crucial to the choice or the development in the literary field
Nikola Bogdanov

Great Bulgarian sculptor, laureate of the Bulgarian Orders "Kyril and Methodius" III, II and I degrees, as well as the Order "Lomonosov" of the Russian Republic. With his work, reflections, thoughts and life directly related to art, he has an exceptional and fundamental role in the formation of the writer's aesthetic and cultural worldview. 

Dr. Vasileios Flampuraris

Anesthesiologist and leading Greek poet, laureate of the prestigious Greek awards "Alkeos", "Simonidis" and "Kavafis". With its saturated literary world and intensity of thoughts and feelings in art, he had a huge impact on the development of the author's poetics.

Irma Flamburari

Caregiver responsible for the good mood and humor in Vesela Flamburari's work.


a) "I want it!" Stories of grown children" 1 and 2 - collections of stories and fairy tales with the participation of some of the greatest Bulgarian children's writers (Leda Mileva, Georgi Konstantinov, Katya Vodenicharova, Marko Ganchev, Pancho Panchev, Georgi Mishev, Yulia Spiridonova, etc.) , "Sava Dobroplodni" Regional Library - Sliven (2013 and 2023), compiler Rositsa Petrova-Vasileva, artists Ralitsa Manuilova, Petar Stanimirov, Radostina Neikova, etc. 

б) Участие с приказки и други текстове в сборниците за фантастика, фентъзи и хорър „ФантAstika“

c) Participation in the book editions of the children's magazines "Nightingale", "Barborino".

d) Participation in the radio programs of the Bulgarian National Radio, program "Hristo Botev" - "Ranobudno Petlentse", "Pandishpani" and "Tintirimintiri" (the last one is the author's own radio program which was broadcasted every Sunday of the week, from 1993 to 2000.)

e) Regular contributor to electronic and printed literary magazines: "Open Literature", "LiterNet", "Public Republic", "Knigolyubie", Magazine "Dialog", (Leiden, Netherlands. Distributed in Benelux and Bulgaria.), "Literary newspaper" and the Internet magazine "Sborishte na Troubadours", which is closely specialized in the fiction and fantasy problematic. In these journals she publishes historical research and theoretical articles on children's fantasy literature.

Editor-in-Chief for IC "Atelier for Bulgarian Children's Literature "The Upper Earth".

Vesela Flamburari is the editor of the following children's books:

a) "Treasure, pistols and Southern seas" and "Curse of the Indian gold" by Kaloyan Zahariev (2017 - 2018, artists Petko Hadjiyski and Borislav Tonchev)

b) "The clock that goes backwards" by Hristina Pandjaridis (2018, artist Milena Radeva)

c) "Landscapes with Lolita" by Nikolay Milchev (2018, artist-photographer Draga Saparevska)

d) "Mischief Stories" by Yavor Tsanev (2018, artist Neli Drumeva)

e) "The Three Wizards and the Golden Fleece" by Alexander Draganov (2019, artist Daniel Kombakov)

f) "Deya Orchid and Mrs. Manchon" by Petya Alexandrova (2019, artist Stanimira Petrova)

g) "Ringlas and the Twin Gods" by Elena Pavlova (2019, artist Petar Stanimirov)

l) "Nothing will happen" by Gergana Yohanova (2019, artist Maya Bocheva)

Vesela Flamburari (together with Dr. Katya Kirilova) is the publisher of the following children's books:

a) "Masters of Fairies" by Vesela Flamburari (2017, artist Neli Drumeva)

b) The Baby by Dora Gabe (2017, cloth paperback)

c) "Treasure, pistols and Southern seas" and "Curse of the Indian gold" by Kaloyan Zahariev (2017 - 2018, artists Petko Hadjiyski and Borislav Tonchev)

d) "The clock that goes backwards" by Hristina Pandjaridis (2018, artist Milena Radeva)

e) "Landscapes with Lolita" by Nikolay Milchev (2018, artist-photographer Draga Saparevska)

f) "Mischief Stories" by Yavor Tsanev (2018, artist Neli Drumeva)

g) "Christmas Tales" by Vesela Flamburari (2018, cloth paperback)

h) "The Three Wizards and the Golden Fleece" by Alexander Draganov (2019, artist Daniel Kombakov)

i) "Deya Orchid and Mrs. Manchon" by Petya Alexandrova (2019, artist Stanimira Petrova)

k) "Ringlas and the Twin Gods" by Elena Pavlova (2019, artist Petar Stanimirov)

l) "Nothing will happen" by Gergana Yohanova (2019, artist Maya Bocheva)

Awards and more significant nominations


2024 - ESFS nominations in the categories "Best Writer" and "Grandmaster of Fiction" (after national selection), Bulgaria, 52nd European Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention "Eurocon", Rotterdam, Netherlands

2018 – Nomination (after national selection /short list of three people/) for the National Award "Hristo G. Danov", Bulgaria

2015 - ESFS Nomination (after European selection, short list of three people): "Spirit of Faithfulness: Best Creator of Children's Books in the Genres of Science Fiction and Fantasy", 37th European Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention Eurocon, St. Petersburg, Russia


2023 - Best Fantasy Author Award from the National Club for Fantasy, Fiction and Horror, Bulgaria

2020 - International award as a co-author in "Songs of peace, the World`s biggest anthology 2020"

2020 – Award from the National Club for Fantasy, Fiction and Horror, Bulgaria 

2019 - National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" for contribution to children's book publishing, Bulgaria

2017 – Plaketa “Mali Princ”, Bosnia and Herzegovina

2014 - National Award "Best Children's Fiction writer", Bulgaria

2011 - National Award "Konstantin Konstantinov" for contribution to children's book publishing, Bulgaria

2010 - "Petya Karakoleva" National Award for Children's Literature, Bulgaria

And the modern world is changing incredibly fast. Our children will work in professions and fields that haven't even been invented yet. Parents and educators must create the opportunity for the young generation to find and express themselves. I believe that success and happiness come only if adults make an effort so that the child acquires skills that will elevate them as a person. I believe that these skills can build a child so that their growth is truly successful. Only these skills can make the child a guide, a leader and a worthy person. And the skills are: creativity; problem solving ability; empathy or social intelligence; persistence; self-confidence. The secret to mastering these all-important skills is that they are built smoothly and subtly when parents read lots of books to their children. However, it is important that the books that are read to the children, or that the children read themselves, are really interesting to them... but most importantly, the above skills are accumulated solidly and steadily, only if those books are not just childish, but of exceptional artistic value. For forty years I have been learning how to do this miracle called "children's art" and how to write only real, fictional, children's literature so that I can help the waves of future generations create the world we dream of - where everyone's healthy, good and deeply in love with life.

Vesela Flamburari

The three laws of children's reading

by Vesela Flamburari

At each home there should be a library!

It may be small, but it should be there. This library should contain real, physical, not virtual books.

Children do what they see, not what they are told!

The child should constantly see their parents as reading people... with a book in their hands. The more a child sees adults in a book-friendly situation, the more they will imitate them… the more they will read.

To read aloud to the child!

Not just for "Goodnight!", but whenever possible. Even when the child can already read to themselves, the parent should continue to read aloud to the child. To even go to the extreme and continue reading aloud as long as the adult can, regardless of how much the child has grown.
