"Nia and the Goblin's Treasure"

First book of the series "Tales from the Misty Island"

A story about love. A mother's love is the most wonderful thing in the world! Nia loves her mother, but her heart is set on adventure. With the help of a magical piece of paper called a check, Nia enters the magical realm of the Forest Queen. Here, twists and turns are at every turn, and Nia is forced to overcome incredible obstacles to reach the Forest Queen. In the book swirls a real magical fairy tale, sparkling in the treasure of true and eternal love.

Order from Bulgarian Illustration (in Bulgarian)


"I was born in moonlit seas,
on decks where the night runs wild,
I was born for dark fields,
for peaks unloved by the day…

In a big city, on a big street, somewhere on the Misty Island, there was a house of impressive size. The big house was actually a big bank, and therefore, in addition to a lot of money, there were also a lot of bank clerks in it. There were so many of them and they were always smiling that it was hard to tell who was who. It was in this bank where Nia worked. All day she stamped checks with one big stamp. Checks? Well, these are those wonderful little books with bits of paper inside, like movie tickets. Anyone who has one of these tickets can pay for anything they want with them instead of real money…”

Vesela Flambourari and the Greek cinema and theater director Georgios Bakolas created the play "The Goblins' treasure" based on the original fairytale "Nia and the Goblin's treasure". "The Goblins' treasure" play is for the professional youth scene. The play was initially staged in the National Theater of the city of Patras (Greece), after that it visited various cities in Greece and enjoyed great success among teenagers. And now it arrives in Bulgaria.


  • Knijni Krile

    From the pen of the wonderful Vesela Flamburari and the brush of the no less wonderful Milena Radeva comes a new fantasy adventure for young and old, which, God willing, will turn into a long series. Nia and the Goblin's Treasure (Bulgarian Illustration publisher) is the first of what we hope will be many upcoming Tales from the Misty Island. And who is Nia? She is a young woman pressed by work duties and daily responsibilities, but dreaming of adventure. In other words – Nia, that's all of us! And the adventure really happens. It begins unexpectedly and wonderfully, and ends beautifully and inspiringly. Just the way we love it!

    Continues on: knijnikrile (in Bulgarian)

  • Alexander Draganov

    "Nia and the Goblin's Treasure" is a book by Vesela Flamburari with illustrations by Milena Radeva, and the two have created a real jewel. It is a beautiful, captivating story reminiscent of youth and love.

    Nia is a girl with a boring job in a bank who has to stay Friday night after work to stamp stamps. A difficult and thankless task, which suddenly becomes interesting when a check with goblin treasure appears, and shortly after, the beautiful forest spirit Bodilek appears before Nia. He will take the girl to a fairyland, where the two of them will have incredible adventures, and who knows - the magic might not be for just one night...

    Continues on: Citadelata (in Bulgarian)

  • Avrora

    The fairy tale book presents in an allegorical way the path of self-awareness of a girl bored with her job as a bank clerk, the sameness of her always smiling colleagues and the seeming well-being of the Misty Island where she lives.

    Поставена по ненатрапчиво детски начин в контекста на консуматорството на днешния ден, Ния успява да порасне и да намери себе си не с помощта на чековете, които подпечатва денонощно, а благодарение на истинското съкровище в края на изминатия трънлив път — любовта и мъдростта на своята майка, и на нейната майка, и на нейната майка.

    Continues on: stranica.bg (in Bulgarian)

  • Knijen Petar

    Little big wonderland

    Do you immediately understand that you are in a fairy tale? Miracles don't require magic, as this book says. Sometimes they only allow you three magics per month, so you have to deal with problems in a different way. And be brave, of course. Vesela Flamburari again invites lovers of miracles to a true fairy tale, in which scale is not an obstacle to adventure, but helps to see the world in an extraordinary way.

    Continues on: knijenpetar (in Bulgarian)

  • Pirina Vodenicharova

    These photos are far from what the book deserves, but we are all so excited about it at home that I hasten to share... "Nia and the Goblin's Treasure" by Bulgarian Illustration amazed and impressed us, made us fell in love with it, made us laugh, and even made us proud that children's literature of such a level is being created in Bulgaria.

    I first read it to our son for an afternoon break. I didn't expect it, but we "ate it with the covers". Right now, his father is finishing it again in one breath before going to sleep. The child is as if hypnotized, and while we leaf through the pages, my husband and I say to each other: "what a great story!", "and what vocabulary!", "how well it is written!" "...and magically drawn!" Masterful narration and integrity of the story by Vesela Flamburari meets the exquisite drawings of Milena Radeva, and provide children and parents with exactly what we need in the world of children's books - a reading that is meticulously detailed, multi-layered characters, understandable narration and curious, rich vocabulary. A book created with respect for children.

    From the Facebook group "Not a day without books"

  • Dilyana Atanasova

    “Ния и таласъмското съкровище” и “Майска нощ с феята-кандилка”, написани от вълшебницата пристигнаха у дома още миналата година и бяха прочетени на един дъх. Слушател бе почти 5-годишната ми дъщеря, която учудващо съсредоточено изслуша цяла книга от 60 страници без почивка. Тя рядко е проявявала такъв интерес към много дълга, многопластова история, но Весела пише омагьосващо за всички възрасти и това е още едно доказателство. Така те оплита с думичките си, че се оставяш да те понесе на ново магично приключение! Щастливци сме, че имаме възможността да четем такива детски книги на децата си.

    From the Facebook group "Not a day without books"

Additional information


Vesela Flamburari


Milena Radeva


Bulgarian Illustration Publisher

Year of publishing






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